dark side
DIY delta type FDM 3D printer
Group project with:
Meric Dagli
Koray Benli
While feeling frustrated by the costs of 3d printer services and enthusiastic about electronics / 3d printing, we, as a team of three industrial designers, have built our first 3D printer by using DIY resources, which are available through the RepRap community.
The idea of building a DIY 3d printer was to introduce ourselves to the 'maker culture'. We did not have any prior knowledge to the automation and mechanical components such as stepper motors, timing belts or open beam frames, and building Kossel enabled us to work with primary electronic and mechanical parts. In this journey, we also got familiar with CAM tools such as model slicers (Kisslicer, Repetier Host etc.) and machine controlling interfaces such as Pronterface.
First test prints
Clogging problems in extruder part
After weeks of troubleshooting and fine tuning, we were able to get some high quality prints. Here are some, enjoy!
© 2017 Ahmet Burak Aktas